We went swimming while we were in Lyman. Mark said "Do you think Henley would jump off the diving board?" We guessed whether she would or not. Me and Mark's mom guessed that she would. Sure enough she jumped with no problem at all. She has a lot of Mark in her because I was so scared of diving board my whole life. I know it is just the small diving board but I think it is still impressive since she is so small.
Monday, December 29, 2008
This year we were in Logan for Christmas Eve and Christmas. We went to Lyman on the 26th and 27th to see Mark's family. Henley got Christmas pajamas on Christmas Eve and a Christmas Book. We watched a movie but I can't remember which one, I know it was like 4 days ago but I can't remember. Henley was so excited about each gift on Christmas morning. She got a baby doll play set from Santa and she would have played with that all day. I asked if she wanted to open another present and she said "No, I'm playing." Anyway, eventually we opened all the gifts. Mark is refinishing a rocking chair for me and the new baby, that was his gift to me. We each got some clothes, and Mark got kitchen gadgets which he loves. I got a Scentsy from Mark's mom which I was very excited about. We went to my parents for breakfast and to talk to my brother Kyle who was calling from his mission in Nebraska. We opened presents there and then waited for my Grandpa and his wife Tana and the Kirschmans. It was a lot of fun, and then we got snowed in. My parents only live about 5 minutes away but it snowed about a foot on Christmas night so we stayed the night at my parents. The next day we headed to Lyman to see the Huntsmans. I have no idea why we don't have that many pictures but this is about all I could find.

This is how Henley wanted to watch the movie Christmas Eve.

Playing with her new doll set.

Playing with play dough at Grandma Huntsmans
This is how Henley wanted to watch the movie Christmas Eve.
Playing with her new doll set.
Playing with play dough at Grandma Huntsmans
Friday, December 19, 2008
Thank you whoever you are
We had a VERY generous gift left on our doorstep last night. We don't know who it was from although we have an idea. I just wanted to say how much we appreciate this gift and how much it meant to our family. I won't go in to details and I don't know if the person who did it will ever read this, but I want to let everyone know how grateful we are for this. We were very touched by how thoughtful this gift is and hope one day we can do the same for someone else. We also want to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas. I hope everyone can feel the Christmas Spirit that we have felt this year. Thank you whoever you are.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
French Braids
Well the pictures pretty much speak for themselves. Henley's hair is long enough for french braids. I am so glad she got Mark's hair genes, because I don't think my mom could french braid my hair until I was in second grade. Her hair is so long and I love it. She is also so good about letting me do her hair. After her bath she watches either Mickey Mouse Clubhouse or My friends Tigger and Pooh and lets me do whatever I want to her hair. Then when I am done she says " Thank you mom." Once in a while she will play with her hair when I'm done and say "It's pretty hair" or "It's beautiful,mom". What a funny girl. And you can see Jersey enjoys the morning cartoons with Henley, she is out cold next to Henley on the bed. The last picture is of her newest find in our house, the loft in our bedroom. She loves it which is great but you have to sit there until she wants down in case she tries to jump off. Oh well.

Monday, December 15, 2008
I just wanted to say thank you to all of our great friends and family who are so excited for us. We are so blessed to have you all in our lives. I also just wanted to say that just like with Henley we will not be finding out the sex of the baby until it is born. Sorry to dissapoint any of you who just can't wait but you're going to have to. I promise it is so fun to do it this way, it's like actually waiting until Christmas to open your presents instead of peeking in October. We loved doing it this way with Henley and will be excited when that day comes to find out what it is. Neither of us care what it is anyway so it really doesn't matter. I would like to have a boy to be different, but I would love another girl cuz I really like the one we've got and then they could be close. Anyway I am starting a little poll of baby names for a boy or a girl, vote and let me know what names you like or hate and don't be afraid to be honest. Or if you have any great name suggestions let us know. Thanks for everything we love you.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Oh Baby... Here we go again
Oh Baby... Here we go again
Well the title of this post pretty much says it all. We are expecting our second baby! We had our first doctors appointment today and they did an ultrasound and everything looks good. The baby has a strong heartbeat and had all four limbs so that is great. I am due around July 1st, but the doctor told me I could be induced a week early. What a difference the second baby is, with Henley he did not want to induce me but he is already telling me he will induce me with this baby. The ultrasound said I was 11 weeks and 1 day pregnant which would actually make me due June 29th, but he said they would set it for July 2nd. So around the end of June we should have our second baby. I thought for awhile that it might be twins because I got so big so fast, but I guess that is really how 2nd babies work. It is not twins and I am a little bit relieved, not that I wouldn't have been thrilled if it was. Henley has been so sweet the whole time, when I don't feel good she gets so concerned. "Mommy you don't feel good?" "Mommy you feel better now?". What a sweetheart. I tried out the accupressure bands and every morning she says "Mommy, you need your bracelets, you feel better". She is already a little mommy herself and I'm sure she will be such a good big sister. We were actually shooting to have a baby the end of the summer or beginnning of the fall, but I will just say I must be meant to have kids cuz we get to have one earlier that we thought. We are all so excited and I will keep you posted.
Well the title of this post pretty much says it all. We are expecting our second baby! We had our first doctors appointment today and they did an ultrasound and everything looks good. The baby has a strong heartbeat and had all four limbs so that is great. I am due around July 1st, but the doctor told me I could be induced a week early. What a difference the second baby is, with Henley he did not want to induce me but he is already telling me he will induce me with this baby. The ultrasound said I was 11 weeks and 1 day pregnant which would actually make me due June 29th, but he said they would set it for July 2nd. So around the end of June we should have our second baby. I thought for awhile that it might be twins because I got so big so fast, but I guess that is really how 2nd babies work. It is not twins and I am a little bit relieved, not that I wouldn't have been thrilled if it was. Henley has been so sweet the whole time, when I don't feel good she gets so concerned. "Mommy you don't feel good?" "Mommy you feel better now?". What a sweetheart. I tried out the accupressure bands and every morning she says "Mommy, you need your bracelets, you feel better". She is already a little mommy herself and I'm sure she will be such a good big sister. We were actually shooting to have a baby the end of the summer or beginnning of the fall, but I will just say I must be meant to have kids cuz we get to have one earlier that we thought. We are all so excited and I will keep you posted.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Well I have been wanting Mark to edit our family pics from a while ago so that I could put them up on our wall. Our only pictures in our living room, are our wedding day and Henley at 4 months old. I am a little behind. Anyway, I painted these canvas' which I saw on HGTV and needed big pics to put on them. So they are finally done, here are the pictures we chose to use. Mark picked the one of him and Henley and yes it is really going up on our wall at 11x4 size. Oh well they turned out great, thanks Mark. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Thursday, November 13, 2008
Boo at the Zoo
I totally forgot about these pictures. When Mark's family was in town a few weeks ago, we went to Willow Park because they had the "Boo at the Zoo". It was a carnival at the zoo and it was a lot of fun. There was a bounce house, face painting, crafts, tumbling stuff, games, and of course the animals.
A day at the park
Well Mark took these videos on his camera phone so the quality is not great. Mark took a day off to hang out with Henley while I went to work and they went to the park. Henley would stay there all day long, she is not afraid of the big slides and she always has a lot of fun. I hope they work ok, enjoy.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Halloween Party
My cousin Adam and his wife Hilary had a great Halloween party this year. The whole Kirschman family minus Max and my whole family minus Kyle went and partied. I was pretty impressed by everyone's costumes. They put a lot of effort into it. We carved pumpkins, ate great food, and played some games. Thanks guys we had fun. My camera battery kept dying so I didn't get a lot of pics, but there is more on my mom's camera. I also had more pictures from Halloween that I will post later.

Jake was a construction worker, Mason an annoying tourist, Mom was Cruela DeVil, Kelsey was a football player, Dad was a tattoed biker, I was a Braves player, and Henley was Minnie Mouse. Mark had been in Lyman until right before the party so he didn't dress up.

Jake was a construction worker, Mason an annoying tourist, Mom was Cruela DeVil, Kelsey was a football player, Dad was a tattoed biker, I was a Braves player, and Henley was Minnie Mouse. Mark had been in Lyman until right before the party so he didn't dress up.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Tagged Again
8 Shows I Watch
1. Chuck
2. The Hills
3. John and Kate plus 8
4. Eli Stone
5. America's Next Top Model
6. Grey's Anatomy
7. Sex and the City
8. House Hunters
8 Restaurants
1. Olive Garden
2. Sizzler
3.Fire House
4.El Matador
5. The Mayan
6. Coppermill
7. El Sol
8.Cheesecake Factory
8 Things I did Yesterday
1. Worked my 3 hours at SARC
2. Cleaned the bathroom
3. Watched Top Model
4.Watched Henley go swimming with Mark
5. Went for a walk
6. Watched Eli Stone
7. Ate a chocolate milkshake-thanks Mark
8. Had Taco Time for dinner
8 Things I look forward to
1. Christmas Shopping with my mom tomorrow- I know it's early.
2. Thanksgiving
3. Christmas and the Christmas season
4. Having more kids
5. USU game on Saturday- I know they may not win
6. Mark's bithday on Saturday- I have some great gifts for him
7. Halloween
8. My friends to have their babies so I can see them.
8 Wishes
1. For me and my family to be healthy
2. To be a great Mom and Wife
3. For all my kids to stay strong in the gospel
4. To be rich one day
5. A new SUV
6. To have more kids
7. To see my Grandma Hale and Grandpa Ozmun again-They both passed away
8.To always remember how lucky me and my family are.
8 People I tag
Emily Petty
Shea Smith
Emily Willie
1. Chuck
2. The Hills
3. John and Kate plus 8
4. Eli Stone
5. America's Next Top Model
6. Grey's Anatomy
7. Sex and the City
8. House Hunters
8 Restaurants
1. Olive Garden
2. Sizzler
3.Fire House
4.El Matador
5. The Mayan
6. Coppermill
7. El Sol
8.Cheesecake Factory
8 Things I did Yesterday
1. Worked my 3 hours at SARC
2. Cleaned the bathroom
3. Watched Top Model
4.Watched Henley go swimming with Mark
5. Went for a walk
6. Watched Eli Stone
7. Ate a chocolate milkshake-thanks Mark
8. Had Taco Time for dinner
8 Things I look forward to
1. Christmas Shopping with my mom tomorrow- I know it's early.
2. Thanksgiving
3. Christmas and the Christmas season
4. Having more kids
5. USU game on Saturday- I know they may not win
6. Mark's bithday on Saturday- I have some great gifts for him
7. Halloween
8. My friends to have their babies so I can see them.
8 Wishes
1. For me and my family to be healthy
2. To be a great Mom and Wife
3. For all my kids to stay strong in the gospel
4. To be rich one day
5. A new SUV
6. To have more kids
7. To see my Grandma Hale and Grandpa Ozmun again-They both passed away
8.To always remember how lucky me and my family are.
8 People I tag
Emily Petty
Shea Smith
Emily Willie
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
A- Attached or Single? Attached
B- Best Friend? Shea and Mark
C- Cake or Pie? Tough one, I guess German Chocolate Cake
D- Day of Choice? Friday or Saturday. Mark and I don't really work either day so that's nice.
E- Essential Item? Mint Chapstick, I use it way too much.
F- Favorite Color? I have no idea. I like red, black and white as far as clothes go.
G- Gummy Bears or Worms? Gummy bears for sure, and I eat enough to know.
H- Hometown? Logan
I-Indulgence(s)? Star magazine
J- January or July? This is tough because Henley's birthday is in Januray so the year I had her I would've picked Januray, but I am not that fond of winter so I would usually pick July I love the fireworks
K- Kids? 1 daughter
L- Life is incomplete without? Family and the gospel
M- Marriage Date? February 18, 2005
N- Number of Siblings? 1 sister, 3 brothers.
O- Oranges or Apples? Oranges, because apples make my mouth/throat itch I think I am allergic.
P- Phobias or Fears? I have so many. I guess losing someone close to me which is probably everyone's biggest fear.
Q- Quotes? I'll have to think about that one.
R- Reason to Smile? Henley, she is hilarious right now.
S- Season? I honestly love something about them all. I guess I would say summer/fall.
T- Tag 3 People? Natalie V, Emily W, Michelle Lacy.
U- Unknown Fact? Every day when Henley takes her nap, I watch Sex and the City reruns and eat chips and salsa.
V- Very Favorite Store? Target
W- Worst Habit? Procrastinating
X- X-Ray or Ultrasound? Ultrasound, are x-ray's supposed to be fun? Since I have had a baby I love ultrasounds.
Y- Your Favorite Food?Warmed up salsa with melted cheese in it and tortilla chips. This is more of an addiction.
Z- Zodiac? Leo
A- Attached or Single? Attached
B- Best Friend? Shea and Mark
C- Cake or Pie? Tough one, I guess German Chocolate Cake
D- Day of Choice? Friday or Saturday. Mark and I don't really work either day so that's nice.
E- Essential Item? Mint Chapstick, I use it way too much.
F- Favorite Color? I have no idea. I like red, black and white as far as clothes go.
G- Gummy Bears or Worms? Gummy bears for sure, and I eat enough to know.
H- Hometown? Logan
I-Indulgence(s)? Star magazine
J- January or July? This is tough because Henley's birthday is in Januray so the year I had her I would've picked Januray, but I am not that fond of winter so I would usually pick July I love the fireworks
K- Kids? 1 daughter
L- Life is incomplete without? Family and the gospel
M- Marriage Date? February 18, 2005
N- Number of Siblings? 1 sister, 3 brothers.
O- Oranges or Apples? Oranges, because apples make my mouth/throat itch I think I am allergic.
P- Phobias or Fears? I have so many. I guess losing someone close to me which is probably everyone's biggest fear.
Q- Quotes? I'll have to think about that one.
R- Reason to Smile? Henley, she is hilarious right now.
S- Season? I honestly love something about them all. I guess I would say summer/fall.
T- Tag 3 People? Natalie V, Emily W, Michelle Lacy.
U- Unknown Fact? Every day when Henley takes her nap, I watch Sex and the City reruns and eat chips and salsa.
V- Very Favorite Store? Target
W- Worst Habit? Procrastinating
X- X-Ray or Ultrasound? Ultrasound, are x-ray's supposed to be fun? Since I have had a baby I love ultrasounds.
Y- Your Favorite Food?Warmed up salsa with melted cheese in it and tortilla chips. This is more of an addiction.
Z- Zodiac? Leo
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Corn Maze
This weekend Mark's family came to town, and we all went to the American West Heritage Center. We went to do the corn maze, but there is actually a lot to do there. You just pay for the corn maze and it includes all the games and seeing some animals for free.

Henley was so excited to go in with the animals. Jillian was a little bit more nervous but eventually they all went in to pet the animals.

Next was the hay jump, again Jillian was nervous but eventully Mark got her to jump/pulled her in. This pic is of Mark throwing Henley like he enjoys doing and she loves it.The corn maze. We ended up getting pretty lost but it was a lot of fun. Eventually, Anne and Jillian ditched us and beat us out. Oh well.
You are not supposed to cut through the corn, but Henley didn't listen to that rule.
Uncle Carter
The whole group before we got seperated. Henley looks determined to finish the maze.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Thriving Ivory Concert
Saturday night me and Mark went down to Salt Lake for the Thriving Ivory concert. I had won tickets on the 101.9 (The end) radio station a couple of weeks ago. The radio station had reviewed their CD a couple weeks ago and I loved it. Then they decided to do a small concert with them and we went. They were really good live and we had fun. I guess they are kind of big in other states, but this was the first time they played in Salt Lake. It was fun to go on a little date with Mark and listen to some good music. If you have never heard of the band, you should check them out. I just added two of their songs to my playlist if you want to listen. The guys voice is very different and you will either love it or hate it. I love it.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Our Little Mermaid
Well, Henley has been really into Disney movies lately and her favorite it "The Little Manaid" as she calls it. She will watch the entire movie if I were to let her, but she doesn't like the scary parts too much. This was a video Mark took right after she got out of the shower one morning. She is singing the Mermaid song which she sings all the time, I just thought it was pretty funny.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Pumpkin Picking
We went to pick our pumpkins for Family Home Evening Tonight. We always go to a house in North Logan, which is close to where Mark used to live before we got married. Henley was so excited the whole way there. She told me she wanted a "big punkin". But, when we got there she loved the little pumpkins and she ended up getting two tiny ones and one small one. Eventually she started throwing the pumpkins so we knew it was time to go. I was the one taking the pictures so they are not great, sorry.
These are really two different pictures but she was so excited to see all the little pumpkins.
Making sure she has seen them all before making her choice.
Showing me her little perfect pumpkin.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Decorating for Halloween
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