This year we spent Christmas in Lyman with the Huntsmans. We had a lot of fun! This was Henley's first Christmas and she kind of understood what was going on. Uncle Carter got an ultimate web blaster, he loved it and he sprayed me with it. Oh well.

I wanted to start a tradition of giving our kids (kid this year) Christmas pj's on Christmas Eve and a Christmas book. Here is Henley in her "I Love Santa" pj's and she got "The Night Before Christmas" book this year.

Christmas Morning
Santa brought Henley, Dusty the talking vacuum, she didn't quite know how it worked yet but she liked it. In her stocking was a book about Rudolph and a stuffed monkey that she liked to cuddle.

Uncle Carter helping unwrap Henley's Noah's Ark play set

Henley fell into a box that was hidden under wrapping paper and she was not happy about it.
Missing Henley
Henley was playing all morning we lost her for a minute but when we found her she was in the kids room reading a bunch of books. She loves to read, more than playing with any of her toys.
Isom Family
We got the chance to see the Isom Family who were also in Lyman for Christmas. Henley and Baylee got to spend some time playing and they had a lot of fun.

Here is Mark, Louis, Henley and Baylee.
Henley also had fun with the dog and her Uncle Jason. 

The girls also had fun tearing the cupboards apart and playing with cups.

Millward Family Party
The family party this year was at Mike and Steph beautiful new house in Idaho.

In the gift exchange Henley got a ride along worm that she will love this summer.