Thursday, February 26, 2009
When I was at work on Tuesday, one of the lady's that works in Kids Klub(daycare) came up to me and told me that her son had just bit Henley. She told me that it didn't break the skin and that Henley was ok but it did leave a pretty good bruise. She keeps telling people that the boy bit her cheek. Mark was not happy because he is worried that it ruined her face but I am sure it will go away. Anyway, these pictures were taken two days later and it looks a lot better than it did the first night. Also Henley is so close to being potty trained. She only has about one accident a day. Sometimes she would just rather play than go potty and there is nothing I can do about that. Anyway, I guess something is better than nothing. When I was doing this post she wanted a picture of her and daddy, so I put this one that Mark took of them on Sunday morning because I thought it was cute.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Four Years
I am a couple days late posting but we celebrated our 4th wedding anniversary on Wednesday (Feb. 18th). Sometimes I can't believe it has been 4 years and then sometimes I feel like it should be more than 4 years. Anyway, I am so glad to be celebrating four great years together and just wanted to let Mark know how much I love him. I think he is such a great dad and husband. On our anniversary I had to work and I thought Mark had a class but when I came home from work he had made us a great steak dinner. Him and Henley had gone to the store and got me a beautiful flower. Yesterday we were able to go out to a movie (Taken-which was very good), and go to dinner at Iggy's. It was nice to go on a date just the two of us and spend some time together. I think most of our wedding pictures were taken with film so the only digital ones I had were engagements and bridals so I posted a few of those. It's funny how different we both look. Happy Anniversary Mark, I love you.
Monday, February 16, 2009
What's new...
Well I feel like I haven't posted in a long time but we haven't been up to much. We had a good Valentine's Day. We all went to lunch at Quizno's, went to read to cats at the Humaine Society (Mark is doing service there for one of his classes, and Henley had so much fun), and then we just hung out. Also, Mark and Henley made a great breakfast that morning. It was great to spend the day together. Since our 4th anniversary is coming up we decided to wait until next weekend to go out instead of fighting the crowds on Valentine's Day. I am also planning on posting some belly pictures sometime but I am not too excited to show off my ever growing belly. We are officialy counting down to the baby now and it seems like it will be here really soon, yay. Henley had a play date with her friend Kendyl last week and they had a lot of fun. I didn't get a great picture but you get the idea. Also, Mark took this video last night. I was reading Henley some books before bed and she decided that she wanted to read them to me. So she grabbed one that she loves Sesame Street- I can do it myself (Me and Mark both had this book growing up) and started reading. It was so funny the first time she "read" each page exactly right, I guess she has heard it a lot plus the girl has an amazing memory. Then when Mark tried to get in on video she was kind of being silly as you can see and was more concerned with the camera.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
It's a.....
It's a BABY! Well sorry to really dissapoint but we did not find out the sex of the baby. The good news is that it looked healthy and really that's all that matters. I decided that I don't know what I want yet and so I really didn't want to know yet. We haven't decided on any names and thinking about it this time gives me a headache. To be honest I would love another girl, cuz I really like the one I've got. A part of me wants a boy because I know I want at least one boy and then I would have one of each. I really don't know what to do with a boy cuz all I've had is a girl, so to be honest a boy scares me a little. I know it wouldn't if I had one but oh well. But as silly as it sounds I like just knowing that "the baby" is healthy and not knowing what is is. Here are the pictures maybe you can all guess what it is.

Looking straight at the head with both hands covering the face.

A better picture of the face

Head and body, of course there is a hand up by the face.

Body with the arms and legs.

Last but not least, two little feet.


Looking straight at the head with both hands covering the face.

A better picture of the face

Head and body, of course there is a hand up by the face.

Body with the arms and legs.

Last but not least, two little feet.

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