They loved jumping in the pit. My kids were a little wimpy but some of Henley's friends eventually did flips.
Beck thought he could climb in.
Waiting to play "Pin the tail on the Donkey"
When Henley opened her presents she was a little confused. She thought her friends brought presents for themselves. So she kind of let them open their own presents. Once I told her they were all for her she was so excited.
Eating cupcakes.
Me attempting a back handspring. It has probably been 5 years since I last did one and it wasn't too pretty.
That night Mark's mom and brother and sister came to town. We went to El Torro for dinner and they sang Happy Birthday to Henley and she was so embarrassed. Last year we took Henley to Texas Road House for her birthday dinner because she loves the peanuts. She asked about it all year but when I asked if that was where she wanted to go she said "No, I want McDonalds". The morning of her birthday we went to Carl's Jr. with Mark's family. Then we had both families over for lunch-make your own pizza and dessert.
Henley was thrilled with her Dog pillow pet and her Dora stuff (backpack and a pink shirt and orange shorts). Mark's mom got her a Littlest Pet shop hospital, and my mom got her a MobiGo laptop and an Ariel statue. Now she officially has all the toys in the world between Christmas and her birthday.