Baby Ace!
Our sweet little man Ace Reed Huntsman was born on Tuesday March 20th 2012.
He shares a birthday with his Aunt Kelsey.
Ace was the middle name of Mark's grandpa who passed away two years ago.
Reed is the first initial of my grandpa's names (Robert Ernest Elton Duane)
I went to my appointment feeling pretty uncomforbale and having contractions. He said I was dialated to a 3 1/2. He was planing on inducing labor the next morning, but called up to the hospital to see if they had room. I didn't hear back until around 2:30 when I was getting ready to go to work. They told me to come up at 3:30. I packed up the kids and took them to grandma's house and met Mark at the hospial.
Everything got going around 4:00 and went pretty quick and smooth. He was born at 9:23pm. I was sure this one was a girl and so I was shocked to find out it was a boy. He has been such a mellow, sweet baby. We couldn't ask for anything more.
Me feeling pretty good on the drugs.
Sweet little boy. 7lb 9 oz 20 inches
Henley and Beck adore this baby.
Proud daddy.
Welcome to the family Ace.
More photos to come!